Yes, you can return any item if you are not 100% happy. Just request a return within 28 days of receiving it and you will get a 100% money-back guarantee. To request a return please visit our Returns page.

You will receive an order confirmation by email immediately after you placing an order. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive another email with tracking details included. You can also visit account.nemildn.com and sign in using the email address used to place the order. You can then select your order and view its progress.

Yes, we offer a quality guarantee for all of our products. If you are not satisfied with the product or find any damages, please contact us immediately and we will do our best to address the issue and ensure your satisfaction.

You can contact us by email at info@nemildn.com, or submit a message using our contact formYou can also reach our on any of our socials.

Yes, we offer a full refund if you are not satisfied with the product or if it doesn't suit your lifestyle. To request a return please visit our Returns page.

You can select Standard or Express delivery at checkout. Standard delivery is sent via Royal Mail Tracked 48 and usually takes 2-3 working days. Express delivery is sent via Royal Mail Tracked 24 and usually takes 1-2 working days.